Scientific Advisory Board

Explore our Scientific Advisory Board

Scientific Advisory Board

The Advisory Board comprises key experts from the academic, clinical and private sectors relevant to the mission of the SRCSB. The advisory board members provide external input and feedback, thereby contributing to the development and international positioning of the SRCSB at the forefront on interdisciplinary biosystems research and training.


Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Edda Klipp
Humboldt-University of Berlin
Institute for Biology

Theoretical Biophysics

Theoretical Biophysics Homepage

Prof. Dr. Oliver Kohlbacher
University of Tübingen
Center for Bioinformatics

Kohlbacher Lab Homepage

Prof. Dr. Olaf Wolkenhauer
University of Rostock
Deptartment of Systems Biology and Bioinformatics

Systems Biology and Bioinformatics Homepage

Prof. Dr. Maria Suarez Diez
University of Wageningen
Deptartment of Systems and Synthetic Biology

Deptartment of Systems and Synthetic Biology

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